TexPoint Support

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If you have problems follow this procedure:

  1. Make sure that you read the relevant section of the manual.
  2. Take a look at the F.A.Q. page.
  3. If you have trouble and you use an antivirus, please read this.
  4. If you have trouble creating displays and you suspect an installation problem go to "TexPoint/Configure/Information". Scroll down that window and you should see what TexPoint gets when it tries to invoke the external commands. This will tell if TexPoint cannot find a command (perhaps it is not installed, or not in the PATH), or if TexPoint is using a wrong version of the command.
  5. If you normally can create displays, but one particular display is not working, select "Show log" in the Debugging pane for the Display Edit box. This will show you how each external command is working. You can also select "Keep Files". This will make TexPoint leaving behind in the presentation directory all the files that are created in the process of making your display. Something by looking at these files you can find what is wrong.
  6. Use the moderated Texpoint users mailing list:
  7. Or, if you do not want to use the public mailing list send email to the authors at authors at texpoint.necula.org.